Sunday, October 10, 2021

Fatbikes, a Forest and Four Friends

This trip had been anticipated for quite some time. Mike got his fat bike last December, partially as a Christmas present from his wife, and partly because they had (amazingly) just gotten one in his size at the local bike shop. XL size bikes don't become available all that often, particularly this year. Bob and Dave each found used fat bikes, a smart move at a time when new bikes were a rare commodity, and still are. Steve found great pleasure in his ebike, the newest bike in his stable. Once everyone had a capable bike the main question was, when was a backcountry ride going to happen?

Nine long months went by, then this past week that question was finally answered. The destination? The Osprey cabin of course! Smoke and ash from Canadian fires were present in the sky that day. Breathing was less than ideal, still the excitement prevailed. Steve and Bob rode in daylight, arriving early enough to enjoy the cabin for the entire afternoon. Dave had to work, so he and Mike arrived at the trailhead at nightfall, they were excited about riding at night. Rangers had warned Bob and Steve about bears in the area. That concern was relayed to Mike and Dave but no bear was ever sighted. Here are a few pics from the event. 

Pre-ride carbo load... Sub-WAY!

After arriving at the cabin Bob demonstrates how to light a flashlight, 
and how to relax after he failed (thankfully) to
 light his flashlight. Ha!

Bob explores the border with Steve, who took these photos; 
Bob at the border and a view of Eramosh Lake from there.

Blue bikers, Dave and Mike arrive at the trailhead and prepare to head out.

The start of the trail is an uphill effort. Dave and Mike felt it best to walk 
the loaded bikes up the hill.

Bright bike lights illuminated the trail.

Riding at night was fun!

Dave and Mike arrive at the cabin.

The blue wheel lights were originally given to Dave and Mike by a friend as kind of a fun joke. It turned out that they left them on. The lights enhance the visibility of the bikes, something that's handy around town at night, and they actually do light the ground directly around them. 

Supper time!

Next morning, breakfast is over. Time to pack up and get ready to ride back. 

Steve's eBike and the four amigos.

Ready to go!

Mike videos Bob and Steve riding across the bridge.

Fallen leaves carpet the trail

Near the west end of the Kings Highway trail, just as you ride past a 
grove of spruce trees, there is a fun little side trail. It's a 
loop, so you end up where you started. 

This was the first fat bike overnight trip we've taken. The fat bikes were really fun to ride through the forest. The big, soft, fat tires smoothed the trail, and carried our gear with ease. What a great time!