Thursday, September 24, 2020

Kayak outing to the Osprey Cabin at Lake Metigoshe State Park - September 2020

The participants were Dave Zodrow, Steve Fogarty and Mike Fogarty. Although this would be the 47th year Dave and Mike had been cycling, xc skiing, hiking, and backpacking/climbing together this would be the first time kayaking together. The same can be said for Steve and Mike in terms of kayaking. The location of each of the photos are indicated on the route map (below). The total distance out and back was about 4 miles. Paddling at a comfortable relaxed pace the paddling time (including portages) to the cabin and back took about 3 hours. Add plenty of additional time for a picnic lunch at the Osprey cabin.

1.  This is the kayak/canoe boat launch area just down the trail from the warming house/parking lot area, which is straight in from the park entrance... just down the road a 1/2 mile mile or so. Here Steve readies his Kayak. Mike has the blue/white Kayak. That's his red shoe in the picture.  In the video, Steve launches. What a fantastic launch setup! 

2, 3. School Section Lake, the lake you launch into. In the bay, the winds were light. Out in the open, in the morning, the wind wasn't bad at all.

4, 5.. This is the north end of the portage between School Section Lake and Lake Eramosh. Mike is already in the water watching Steve launch his boat (left). The portage is maybe 75 yards or so. Not very long. The water at the portage was smooth! We are headed directly across lake Eramosh to the Osprey cabin. Steve is the one who took this photo (right).

6. Oh oh. Dave sees some ducks on the water. Can he sneak up on them?

7. The docking area (sans dock) on Lake Eramosh for access to the Osprey Cabin. It's not quite as difficult to navigate than what it might appear. Can you see Dave kayaking through the reeds in the left photo? Actually he's looking for a fishing rod he lost on his last trip here a month ago. WOW! He raises it up high! He found it! (right photo)

The approach to the Osprey cabin landing is a little difficult to see because of all the reeds along the shore, as you might imagine. 

Someone built this structure. Near the top of the pole on the left side of this  structure is a reflective metal sign marker, and at the very top is a light that flashes at night. The structure is relatively easy to spot once you get closer to this shoreline.

8. The fall colors were beautiful as was the warmth of the day this first day of Autumn. Dave (L) and Steve (R) eat a picnic lunch on the table outside the cabin. The use of the cabin is by reservation only, but an outside picnic table and a fire pit gives impromptu visitors a comfortable place to rest and enjoy the surroundings. There is also a rather nice outdoor toilet just a couple dozen yards further down the trail. 

9. Dave and Mike head west away from the Osprey cabin back to the portage. 

10. This is the south end of the portage between School Section Lake, and Eramosh Lake. We came to this portage on the way to the Osprey Cabin. Now we're crossing it again on the way back. (Left photo) Steve and Dave take a stand up break after the portage. (Right photo) Mike snaps the photo from his boat. Steve has launched his kayak. Dave helped by giving him a push. Now it's Dave's turn to put his kayak in. He walks back up the hill to get it.

11. We hugged the east shore of School Section Lake on the way back. The wind had come up, and the going was easier close to the shore. In addition, some of the state park rental cabins were visible as was the amazing Blue Heron Yurt. The Yurt is available for rent from the state park. The Yurt has drive up access and parking.

12. We are headed back to the main boat launch at the start. (Left) Dave & Steve. (Right) Mike.

13. The parks have an excellent canoe and kayak dock and launch, complete with handicapped access.


14. Dave had a set of kayak portage wheels along. Small enough to fit inside the kayak, these sure made the portages and transport easy and saved the bottom of the boats from being dragged on the ground. 

This was the first time that the three of us had kayaked together and it was the first time for Mike up to the Osprey cabin via the kayak/canoe trail. What an excellent way to spend a beautiful fall day! And the icing on the cake?  Dave found his fishing rod, truly a needle in a haystack.