Saturday, November 11, 2006

Midnight Hike to the James Lake cabin

Tim Zietz, Kirk Johnson, Steve Fogarty, Heather Fogarty, and Mike Fogarty left Minot late Thursday night on November 9th, 2006 to hike to the James Lake cabin. A week ago, the trails had 6" of snow and people were skiing, tonight however the trails were bare, but frozen. There were some patches of ice so we had to hike with caution in several places. With the temps in the teens, it was a bit nippy until we warmed up from Heather's fast pace. If we had hiked any faster, we would have been jogging. We had to ask Heather to hold the pace back a bit several times. This girl is FAST.

We arrived at the cabin after 75 minutes and two falls. The stove began easily enough, and soon the cabin was warm .... really warm. Steve cooked spaghetti for our 1am supper. For dessert we had freeze dried ice cream! It was EXCELLENT!!

The next morning we had pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast, and enjoyed slightly warmer temps for the hike back to the trail head. Everyone enjoyed each other's company , the lively discussions, the beautiful forest and the peacefulness that the park provides.

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