Friday, September 08, 2006

Riding Mountain National Park, Canada - Labor Day weekend 2006

My brother Steve and I took new mtn biker Kirk Johnson (left) up to Riding Mountain National Park, Wasagaming Manitoba, Canada for an overnight camping / mtn biking adventure. We arrived Sunday afternoon, set up camp, then rode mtn bike around the area until around 7:00pm. We took a trail that left the campground. This trial led us to town. From there we explorded Wasagaming, then rode the Clear Lake, South Shore trail. This trail was not highly technical, but it was fast, rolling, and skirted the edge of the beautiful lake for about 7k. We rode it nearly to it's end for a total out and back distance for the south lake shore trail of about 15k. It's a really fun trail with easy (but not obvious) access. The fantastic weather made it just that much more enjoyable.

On the second day we toured the park by car. The East Escarpment is impressive as are a number of lakes in the area. We talked about hiking the 62K of trails on the eastern 1/2 of the park perhaps next summer.

Pictured above is Kirk, with beautiful Clear Lake in the background. Click picture for enlarged view.