Monday, February 27, 2006

Adam Lake 2-25-06

It was a bit chilly up at Adam this past weekend, but the pace, the incredibly beautiful scenery and the company of good friends kept things warm. These pictures aren't in any order. In this one, Dave and Mike pose for a shot. The red faces are there from skiing into the cool breeze for the past 5 k.

We stop for a quick trail break, and a shot of Dave. I think this photo was taken at the Blue/ Yellow/ Orange junction, close to the trail head.

Dave "Schuss" Zodrow does the tuck down the longest decent on the trail before the James cabin.

Another stand-up break after a long climb. Gotta cool the 'horses' down after all the work. See the warm breath frosting over the cold air?

Dave and Mike striding out across the lowlands.

A long gentle uphill grade requires a relaxed, steady pace.

In the end, Dave, Steve and Mike were all really glad to be out skiing on such a great Manitoba winter day!